The main change includes the support for online HSU hotel locks controlled by HTLock software while preserving the existing PMS exchange API.
What preserving the existing PMS exchange API means.
In general, the integration module consists of two parts. On the one hand, it works with the hotel ACS software, which is directly responsible for managing access to the hotel rooms. On the other hand, the integration module works with the PMS hotel management system, which transmits commands to the ACS, for example, for issuing guest cards. The hotel property management system (PMS) communicates with the integration module using a specific protocol, which is also called the PMS API. The PMS integration module supports two protocols: the HSU protocol, on which most integrations with various PMS are performed and tested, and the FIAS protocol for communication with Suite 8 and Opera by Oracle Hospitality. When developing integrations with online hotel locks, we took the following approach: the party responsible for the exchange with PMS should remain unchanged in order to ensure transparent operation of all existing tested integrations with the new online system as well. The HSU and FIAS protocols have not been changed. Thus, all existing PMS integrations with the hotel HSU ACS, that have been used with offline ILMS-based locks, become automatically supported by the HTLock-based online system of the hotel ACS. No additional processing by PMS developers is required.
Of course, we saved the integration with ILMS-based offline locks.
And even moved further: we create a hybrid integration module, which supports simultaneous operation both with ILMS offline locks and HTLock online ones.
This is how it was implemented. Both PMS exchange APIs (HSU and FIAS protocols) use the concept of "encoder number". When sending a command to issue a card, for example, the PMS always specifies the number of the encoder that has to issue the guest card. The encoder number is an essential parameter. It's a prime number: 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the current implementation of the integration module 5.0, in the module settings, the encoder number is associated with the system with which it works. You can set, for example, that the encoders 1 and 2 work with offline ILMS locks, while the encoders 3 and 4 work with online HTLock devices.
This is why it is needed. Let's say that a hotel uses offline ILMS locks. The hotel owner decides to replace the devices with online HTLock locks and carry out the transition by floors. The electronic part of the locks is being updated, for example, on the highest floor. On the rest of the floors the ILMS offline system is still used. It is easy to configure the PMS to issue keycards with the HTLock encoder for the top floor rooms and use the ILMS encoder to issue keycards for the rest of the hotel rooms at the same time. Thus, the operation of the hotel continues, the keys are issued from the PMS, and no retraining staff is required.
What’s new
- The support for online HTLock locks has been added.
- A hybrid operation mode with simultaneous support for offline ILMS and online HTLock locks in one installation has been implemented.
- New types of errors associated with HTLock integration have been added.
- Some bugs have been fixed.
Read the detailed description of the PMS integration module in the product card.